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Books and articles (available in French)

Favez Steve, 2009, “Les étudiants dans la loi sur les étrangers” in RDAF 2009 I, p.209, (Referred to on this site as Favez in RDAF).

Amarelle Cesla/Nguyen Minh Son (ed.), 2017, Code annoté de droit des migrations vol II – Loi sur les étrangers, stämpfli éditions (Referred to on this site as the Annotated Code of Migration Law vol II).

Amarelle Cesla/Nguyen Minh Son (ed.), 2014, Code annoté de droit des migrations vol III – Accord sur la libre circulation des personnes, stämpfli éditions (Referred to on this site as the Annotated Code of Migration Law vol III).

Official Documentation

SEM directives (available in French, German and Italian):

Report of the National Council’s Commission of Political Institutions of 5 November 2009 on object 08,407.