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Prohibition on the concealment of other motives for migration

Legal basis: Art. 27 para. 1 let. d FNIA, Art. 23, para. 2 ASEO The authorities need to be convinced that a student’s stated intention in coming to Switzerland – to study – is genuine, and not an attempt to get around the restrictive admission rules...

Enrolment on a course of study

Legal basis: Art. 27 para. 1 let. a FNIA General information Migration law requires that when applying for a permit, students provide evidence of their enrolment in a school that meets the requirements previously described. This the main condition for granting an...

Requirements for the course of study

Legal basis: Art. 27 para. 1 let. a FNIA; Art. 24 para. 2 ASEO The course of study and the duration of the education or advanced course must be determined. The SEM’s guidelines (I No stipulate that the institution must offer a full-time course of study...

Requirements for the institution providing education or training

Legal basis: Art. 27 para. 1 let. a FNIA; Art. 24 para. 1 ASEO Students must attend a school that guarantees “an appropriate course of study and complies with the curriculum.” There is no further specification in the law. Cantonal universities and...

General information

The issuing of residence permits for educational purposes is legally regulated by Art. 27 of the FNIA and Art. 23 and 24 of the ASEO, which set out certain requirements as discussed in this section. The article of the Foreign Nationals Act (FNIA) is difficult to...